Books I'm reading.

  • Book of Longing Leonard Cohen
  • September September Shelby Foote
  • You Better Not Cry Augusten Burroughs

Thursday, October 22, 2009

If nobody is listening, all the better.

Argh. Present state of things: I see no reason to get out of bed other than to go to work. I wouldn't really describe it as depression. If I were to, I would qualify it with the word mild. I think some people might refer to it as the blahs. It was pre-period, so I blamed it on that for a minute, but now it's post, so I don't have that excuse. I could sit and speculate all day why I have no desire to do anything; I could blame me or anything else, but I think it's attitude. I can choose to feel differently, right? I'm even uninterested in writing this at the moment. It all seems so uninteresting and who cares. I just don't care.